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Congratulations to Annika on the acceptance of her exciting eye tracking paper: Expectations Guide Predictive Eye Movements and Information Sampling During Face Recognition in iScience. Both predictive and active sampling were influenced by priors! Plus, we found a link between eye movements and perceptual choices!

Carina presented her work at the VoiceID conference.

I am now a Professor of Predictive Cognition at Ruhr University Bochum. My deepest gratitude goes to my team, colleagues, friends, and family for their support along this journey.

OPEN POSITION IN THE LAB! We are excited to be part of the newly extended TRR 289 Treatment Expectation in a joint project with Katja Wiech! Get in touch if you are interested in doing a PhD on how communication priors shape the perception of pain!

Congratulations to Carina on her new paper Opposing serial effects of stimulus and choice in speech perception scale with context variability that was just published in iScience!

Congratulations to Annika on her first paper Prediction Error Processing and Sharpening of Expected Information Across the Face-Processing Hierarchy in Nature Communications

Janika did it again: Congratulations to paper #2! Pupil diameter as an indicator of sound pair familiarity after statistically structured auditory sequence in Scientific Reports

Many congratulations to Janika on her first first-author paper! The pupil dilation response as an indicator of visual cue uncertainty and auditory outcome surprise in the European Journal of Neuroscience

We are organizing the Annual Conference “Psychology and Brain” at the University of Hamburg from May 29 to June 01 – PUG 2024 – Come and join us!

Looking forward to giving a talk at the LingCologne2023: Prediction in Language, University of Cologne, Germany, 16-17 June 2023

Annika will present her work “I Knew I Would See You Here! Combining Computational Modelling with Multivariate fMRI to Investigate the Influence of Scene Context on Face Representations” at the PUG 2023 in Tübingen

Congratulations! Carina published her first first-author paper: Multivariate analysis of brain activity patterns as a tool to understand predictive processes in speech perception in Language, Cognition and Neuroscience